
A contagious childhood disease, with red spots that fill with fluid, which may burst then scab over.  The spots are very itchy.



Piriton takes away the itchiness of chickenpox much better than anything else.  Don’t bother with calamine lotion – really messy, and doesn’t do much.  You can get baby Piriton for babies over 12 months from Boots.

Rona Ross Prickly Heat Lotion

I haven’t tried this on chickenpox, but it definitely helps with the itchiness of prickly heat.  It contains calamine, but isn’t messy to apply.  Definitely one to keep in the medicine chest just in case.

Paracetamol is better than ibuprofen

Ibuprofen can cause a serious skin infection if taken for chickenpox.  Paracetamol is a better option to choose.

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