
Are you driven mad by your partner’s (or your own) snoring?


Dust mite controller

This might work if you think your snoring is caused by an allergy to dust mites.  You can buy these plug-ins from Amazon.  They work by interrupting the breeding of the dust mites, so you should have fewer dust mites in the house.

Lose weight

So sad but true, being overweight can make snoring worse, especially if you carry excess weight around your neck.  Try our weight loss tips here.

Exercise your mouth

Try working out your mouth muscles, as this can reduce snoring:

  • Open your mouth as wide as possible and stick your tongue out as far as it will go
  • Start moving your tongue up and down and side to side (whilst keeping it stuck out)
  • Then start humming a song at as deep a pitch as you can manage for a few minutes
  • Repeat before bed each night, and see if your snoring improves

Anti-snoring pillow

You can buy pillows that claim to reduce snoring.  They don’t work for everyone, but can help with mild snoring.  Look for one that suits the way that you sleep.  For example, if you tend to sleep on your back, look for one with a concave section for your head, and that provides lots of support to your neck, which should help to keep your head pulled back and your airways open.  If you sleep on your side, look for a pillow that will help keep your head tilted down, so your tongue doesn’t fall back.

Mouth tape

Taping your mouth shut whilst you sleep is another option you can try, and cheaper than investing in a pillow in the short term.  The idea is to just put sticky tape over your mouth whilst you sleep.  You won’t snore because your mouth can’t open.  You can buy mouth tape on Amazon.

Download an App

You can download an App like Snorelab, which helps you to monitor your snoring, and see if any changes you have made have actually had any impact.

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