
Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels found inside or around the bottom.  Symptoms include bleeding or mucus after pooing, an itchy or sore bottom, lumps hanging down that can be pushed back inside the anus.

Important note: do see your GP if you are not sure about blood in your poo.


Sit in a bowl of cold water

Sitting in a bowl of cold water or having a cold bath can ease the inflammation


Apply grated potatoes

Peel and grate some potatoes on the smallest side of a grater. Put the grated potatoes on your anus whilst you lie on your stomach. Repeat once a day for a week.


Witch hazel cream

Apply a small pea sized amount three times a day and after each time you poo.


Step stool

The most natural position to do a poo in, is whilst squatting, but in our modern world we sit on the loo.  This means that the rectum and anus are not properly aligned, which can make it more difficult to push out your poo.  Try keeping a step stool or toddler stool in the loo (or a large pile of books will do too).  When you want to do a poo, put the step stool in front of the loo, and rest your feet on it.  This will mimic a squat position, and make it much easier to push out that poo.


See also our tips on constipation here.

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