Painful, clicking jaw

Does your jaw ache or feel tender sometimes? Does it click when you eat, speak or yawn? You could be suffering from something called Temporo-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome.  It is generally nothing to worry about, but can be annoying and embarrassing. 

Earache, headache and facial pain are also common side effects of this condition.

It has been linked to grinding your teeth (especially at night), damage to the discs, or problems with where your teeth are positioned in your mouth.  It could also be genetic, or is sometimes caused by arthritis, or jaw injuries.

It’s a good idea to speak to your dentist first, to check if they can help.  They can check to see if the problem is being caused by any mis-alignment of your teeth, in which case they may be able to correct your teeth positioning. If the problem is caused by teeth grinding, they will be able to give you a mouthguard to stop reduce this.

If your dentist can’t find any obvious solution, and you don’t have a history of arthritis or a jaw injury, then there are some self-help tips that you can try too:

  • Avoid chewing gum
  • Avoid opening your mouth really wide, for example when eating something large
  • Try to reduce stress

Click here for our tips on reducing stress.