Tips for taking supplements

As a general rule, it is better to try to get the vitamins and minerals that you need from your diet, rather than popping a pill, as your body is more likely to be able to absorb them.  Taking excessive vitamin and mineral supplements can also sometimes be harmful.  Unless you have been advised by your doctor to take vitamin or mineral supplements (e.g. iron tablets) the only ones that the NHS recommends for adults are folic acid and vitamin D.

Even then, you should be aware that although some people are deficient in vitamin D, some people aren’t, and it is possible to take too much.  A sore tongue can be a sign that you have taken too much vitamin D.

You may also want to try out herbal supplements, in which case, it might be a good idea to think about the following:

  • Buy supplements from reputable suppliers
  • Check if they have been tested in clinical trials with  people who are similar to you (e.g. similar age, same sex)
  • Look for any warnings – for example, if you have a heart conditions, check the supplement is not toxic for the heart
  • Check any contra-indications – will it affect any other medicine that you may be taking
  • Be cautious about taking multiple supplements at the same time
  • Don’t take more than the recommended dose
  • If in doubt, speak to your doctor
  • Always tell your doctor about any herbal or vitamin supplements you are taking, as this can be important medical information.